(sorry, i copied this question from stackoverflow,  it seems it will not 
get answer there, so this is 
 probably the better place for this question)

we started using jenkins to build our cmake c++ project. now the jenkins 
server is in the intranet without any connection to the outside world, 
except for some 'narrow tunnel', where we can pass files. we need 
'outsiders' to access some of the jenkins report, namely a report that 
includes warnings and/or errors of the build, test results etc. as the 
jenkins server is intranet, we need to produce ideally some html pages we 
can just via the 'narrow tunnel' on a normal webpage in the internet.

is there any plugin that roughly makes that easy? if i see that correctly, 
we could somehow manually parse the console output via log parser, try to 
assemble a webpage that contains the warnings and the test results, but 
then how do i get this information into a html file that can be viewed 
without jenkins?

sorry, i am completely confused, as there are dozens of plugins, and i seem 
to miss the right one/combination.

obviously we would want to avoid writing a plugin or do extensive 

is there anything that can help in the above situation?

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