Currently I'm using the parameterized build plugin to run the same job 
multiple times. This downstream job, however, takes different parameters 
for each build, so I have accomplished this by choosing the option to 
"trigger a build for each file." The later builds then read their parameter 

N number of these files are created, each with their own parameters and 
then the subsequent builds execute. This works fine except for the fact 
that all these jobs execute in parallel and it seems if one fails the 
others still execute. The "parent" job will of course fail still but the 
fact that all the other jobs that were launched in parallel still have to 
complete is a bit of a time waste.

I was hoping to use the i=0..N option but I can't figure out how to 
accomplish what I want to do with it. First, the "N" will be variable, 
determined at build time. Second, as far as I can tell the parameters need 
to be static and known when I'm setting up my build, which they won't be. 
If someone can give me a way to have downstream, parameterized jobs execute 
in series and quit if a previous parameterized job fails, that would be 

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