
   I am evaluating the workflow plugin as a replacement for our current 
approach and have a few questions.  I thought I would ask them individually 
and see how that goes before asking too many questions on the list.  The 
first question is about using multiple scms. I am using git and hg and I 
have a for loop that retrieves all the source.  I need to package that 
source up and put it into artifactory or nexus.  I am able to perform the 
clones and pulls.  Once the for loop is completed I attempt to run tar and 
I get an error message about the file save changed.  An outline of the 
workflow script follows:

*  node('some node') {*

*     for ( iterate over all the repos )*

*  }*

*  sh tar cvf /tmp/somefile name*

  tar sees some files that are not in the repo.  Is jenkins actually 
creating files in the workspace directory instead of some tmp directory.

  Is this the expected behavior?

  I can't simply ignore all .hidden files since the workspace may use them 
in some way.  Is my only option to use a regex that assumes that there is a 
temporary hidden directory from Jenkins that is 8 digits of lowercase 
characters and digits.


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