Hi Brian,

every single method in the "final foo...." - including the String 
Constructor requires approval. I was hoping for a proper subset that would 
work within the sandbox.
What I ended with (several dozen "Builds" later ) is using a helper 
function squeezing the map into a list, seems the most sane aproach so far 

Btw, whats the difference of using "def x" vs "x"?

node {
    for (it2 in mapToList(depmap)) {
        name = it2[0]
        revision = it2[1]
def mapToList(depmap) {
    def dlist = []
    for (entry in depmap) {
        dlist.add([entry.key, entry.value])

Am Mittwoch, 27. April 2016 18:26:51 UTC+2 schrieb Brian Ray:
> FWIW I recently replaced several C-style loops with *for ( x in y )* for 
> iterating over both lists and maps in CPS code and for the most part 
> conversion went fine. There were a couple of CPS sections where I could not 
> use that construct and had to fall back on the C-loops and further do a 
> torturous cast to avoid a serialization error getting keys and values from 
> the map. I want to say *Set<Map.Entry<K,V>>* caused the exception because 
> *AbstractMap.SimpleEntry* and *.SimpleImmutableEntry* are serializable, 
> while *Set *is not, per the JDK.
> for ( int i = 0; i < myMap.size(); i++ ) {
>   // hacktacular String() cloning to avoid NotSerializableException; also 
>   // hacktacular Map > Set > Array morph to enable C-style looping
>   final foo = new String( myMap.entrySet().toArray()[i].value )
>   // do stuff with foo...
> }
> Nonetheless as mentioned in another part of the script I had no problem 
> using the shorter alternative, nor accessing keys and values using 
> *myMap.key* and *myMap.value*. Not sure what the difference is with my 
> more stubborn loop.
> On Wednesday, April 27, 2016 at 8:21:45 AM UTC-7, Norbert Lange wrote:
>> Am Mittwoch, 27. April 2016 16:41:40 UTC+2 schrieb Jesse Glick:
>>> On Tuesday, April 26, 2016 at 7:18:55 PM UTC-4, Norbert Lange wrote:
>>>> There seem to be some arcane rules on how to iterate over some 
>>>> builtin Groovy/Java Types within a sandbox. I haven`t found a way that 
>>>> works without manually allowing the function.
>>> Which methods did you need to approve? We can easily add them to the 
>>> default whitelist in the Script Security plugin. But anyway
>>> The map`s each (at least)
>>>> 2) Serialization issues for iterators. 
>>> `for (x : list) {…}` works as of `workflow-cps` 2.x. Other iterators do 
>>> not yet work (outside a `@NonCPS` method). Probably fixing them is not 
>>> hard, just have not gotten to it yet
>> Yes, these issues I can very likely work around. For someone who is new 
>> to Groovy and Jenkins sandboxing, a list of preferred methods would be very 
>> welcome (the examples from the workflow libs are rather simple). There are 
>> atleast 3 different ways to iterate over containers, and several variations 
>> of those for maps.
>>>> take the createDList 
>>>> which seems to execute the code differently (throws errrors, need to 
>>>> define a explicit variable)
>>> Not sure what this is about. If you find something you think should work 
>>> which does not work in a minimal reproducible script, please file a bug 
>>> report for it.
>> Where? Is that a feature-not-bug of Groovy, an issue in Jenkins or some 
>> Plugin? I was hoping for some feedback as I am not proficient in either of 
>> those to pinpoint issues.
>> The code above should be able to explain the issue, the exact same method 
>> body in the node scope works fine, the call will result in some message 
>> about "it not defined". Similary there seems some issues with name clashes 
>> (if variables in functions are named like those in the node scope), but it 
>> mightve been some flukes during trial-and-error
>>>> Are variables from Closures global?
>>> Local `def` variables in a closure? Not sure what you are referring to 
>>> here.
>> See last point, and the code were I can access the it variable after the 
>> closure were its used (Noted with "// Weird !" )
>>> The main problem you are presumably hitting is the well-known 
>>> JENKINS-26481 <https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-26481>. We 
>>> are working on a fix, but in the meantime, do not use any method built into 
>>> Groovy which takes a closure argument, such as `list.each {x -> …}` or 
>>> `someText.eachLine {line -> …}`. Rather use a Java-style loop. (To be on 
>>> the safe side, also avoid iterators, meaning use a C- or JDK 1.4-style loop 
>>> with an index.)
>> Could you please post me the preferable code for iterating a map in this 
>> way? (Not sure I fully understand the bug )
>>> Incidentally `it` does not currently work in closures as noted in 
>>> JENKINS-33468 
>>> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fissues.jenkins-ci.org%2Fbrowse%2FJENKINS-33468&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNHCpckU-LtRXqq1a2tEPCzNrYhPTw>;
>>> use an explicit parameter name instead.
>> That seems to be one of the issues I am fighting with, and might be that 
>> the supposed name-clashes came from unfocused variations of the code. 
>> Strangely it does seem to somewhat work in the node body?
>> Kind Regards, 
>> Norbert 

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