How do I get the git information right which were - in the past - provided 
by Jenkins Git plugin?

I have found one information 
You see that in the code below (extract).

I have the treeish (job parameter which refers to a git tag name or git 
branch name).

What I'm still missing ... let's say since last build there might have been 
(n=5) commits.
So I would like to have the "n" commit messages. I know how to get the last 
"n" log messages in Git ...
...but how do I know how many commits have been since last build?

*I see from the stage view (left side, row labels) that the pipeline 
definitely knows aboutthe number of commits and even it knows the git 
details showing them in a tooltip whenI move with the mouse cursor above 
the label.*
*How can I get this information after the checkout?*

Kind Regards,


    // ...

    // Retrieving first 6 characters of the SHA Git commit id.
    def getCommit() {
        def command="git rev-parse HEAD > " + this.workspace + "/GIT_COMMIT"
        script.readFile(this.workspace + "/GIT_COMMIT").take(6)

    // ...

    stage 'Get Code'
    checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: treeish]],
    doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
            submoduleCfg: [],
            userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'XXXXXXXXXXX_CREDENTIALS',

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