Thanks a lot, really comprehensive info on that page. It's just too bad a
Google search won't show the same, because I had no idea there'd be
anything interesting in the footer (I never scroll until there).

However: the page only talks about POSTing to URL, says nothing about
sending URL parameters with PUT (or GET), and also recommends - guess what
- the "hackish" way of sending the params as form data! It even says that
using the remote trigger plugin is "deprecated" so... if I'm not mistaking
it goes exactly against all the recommendations above.

As for myself I'm very happy with your recommendation so I'll ignore the
Jenkins info page. Triggering a state change with PUT seems to me anyway
the RESTful way, not POSTing some transient data :) Now if only GETting
from that trigger address would return me "building job xyz..." if still
building and the (latest if done) build location - instead of triggering a
new build... Now that GET will change state and in the event of a automatic
retry - not so unheard-of - would try to change state many times, then it
would be a perfect world! But that's first world problems indeed ;)

It's also worth noticing that I cannot cancel in GUI a build job queued via
remote trigger. I guess because it was not queued by my GUI user - it makes
sense but still not very convenient (I'm in GUI an admin user so I had

Thank you for taking your time to answer!

On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 2:13 PM, Daniel Beck <> wrote:

> > On 11.05.2016, at 09:46, S C <> wrote:
> >
> > I think people try these hackish solutions when they aren't shown any
> recommended solution. Could we (I'd gladly do it) add the above answer to
> the relevant Jenkins page, so nobody has to lose hours like I did?
> https://yourjenkins/job/whatever/api documents the job-related API. The
> section "Perform a build" will explain how to do this. It's linked from the
> job page's footer.
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