I intend to follow up with Cliosoft and ask.  I'll review the GSOC doc more 
closely, and see if there's anything I can add.  I noticed the existing 
"use custom workspace" option in Jenkins but this seems like a more full 
featured implementation (including pipeline code support).

I agree about the large amounts of binary data, and I guess I haven't 
gotten far enough in my investigation of Jenkins to realize that as a 
problem.   All of our data and machines are on a shared network filesystem, 
so I don't have to copy between different nodes.  A lot of data would be in 
Cliosoft, but otherwise I was hoping I could point to an upstream workspace 
or of a wrapper job.  Also, I think a proper 'populate' from Cliosoft would 
create links to the data and avoid copying.  This is all relevant to what 
I'm trying to figure out, just overwhelmed with trying to determine a 
'best' approach to start with for a variety of different non-native tasks 
I'd like to automate.



On Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at 9:39:30 AM UTC-5, Martin d'Anjou wrote:
> I agree this discussion should be here and not on the dev mailing list.
> Have you approached Cliosoft to ask if they would write a Jenkins plugin 
> for you? It surely can help them as well as help you.
> For SCM, I am switching to Git. For storing generated assets (pre-compiled 
> libraries, netlists, etc), I am switching to a binary repository (e.g. 
> artifactory).
> For managing hardware generated outputs in Jenkins (numerous and large), 
> there is the External Workspace Manager Plugin currently being developed as 
> part of the Jenkins Google Summer of Code 
> <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Google+Summer+Of+Code+2016>. 
> We are discussing the development here 
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/jenkinsci-dev/nAZD0-upB68>, and 
> the design document is here 
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yiisnsR7qg3XEEvch8vocWbitSUCZcoQ-pfzEVFg1eA/edit?usp=sharing>.
> You are welcome to participate in the discussions, provide feedback, join 
> the on-line meetings, etc.
> Martin

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