There are many approaches to this problem, and I am not sure what your 
setup or requirements are, but here is some information that may be helpful.

* It is important to understand that any jenkins build has two ids - the 
actual immutable build_id - which is always consecutive for a job and 
specific to that job alone, and the build display name which is what you 
see in the UI. You can set the build display name to anything you want from 
within your job. By default it is # (pound symbol) followed by build_id.

* You are usually better off having one build server with many slaves than 
parallel build servers that are independent of each other. This way as long 
as you are building the same job, it does not matter what slave you are 
building on, your build ids will be consecutive and unique.

* If you do need multiple jobs on same master (even if builds are performed 
on any slave), you can write some code that will issue numbers from same 
pool. You can back that pool by anything, the simplest thing being writing 
a file to disk on master. I have implemented this many times via writing my 
own plugin, but these days it is far easier to do this via a pipelines 
shared library (if you are using pipelines, and you should). The simplest 
thing to do is to have a function that takes some id, and for that id it 
issues you next number by incrementing a synchronized counter somewhere. Of 
course this will still keep you on a single Jenkins master...

* If you want to do this across multiple masters as you indicated (and I 
would strongly urge you to reconsider) - you can use the above with some 
sort of a shared storage resource that either supports atomic changes or 
locking - for example you can use a shared MySQL DB. You just have a table 
you lock and increment a counter in while locked (there are many other 
approaches too)

* If you do not care for keeping a shared counter somewhere and do not mind 
longer build ids, a cheap and easy way to go is to assign each jenkins 
server an id number, then use a build name consisting of timestamp followed 
by server id, followed by whatever you want to guarantee it is unique 
within a single server. Your build ids will be long, but will always be in 
a sequential order - even if not consecutive.

* All that said, I would also reconsider overall value of consecutive build 
numbers - in the end you probably only care about what branch it was done 
from and which commit it was done from. If you use a SCM that provides you 
with a sequential commit id (SVN is awesome for this) - just use the commit 
id as your build indicator. If you are using git or any other 
non-sequential commit SCM - you can just include the hash of the SCM on 
build and to get sequence, you can cheat a little by also counting commits 
in the log. Last bit is not exactly great as git allows you to rewrite your 
commit history, but if you can lock it down, it is reasonably functional 

Good luck,


On Monday, September 19, 2016 at 12:54:15 PM UTC-7, Robert Kruck wrote:
>  Is it possible to preserve the integrity of build numbers (NO DUPLICATES 
> and build numbers in order) while building in multiple Jenkins build 
> servers?
> If this capability exists in Jenkins, what Jenkins plugins are required, 
> and what versions of Jenkins itself, and of the required Jenkins plugins, 
> are needed?

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