
I am currently operating in the following environment:

Jenkins version:  2.10
Coverity Plugin for Jenkins: 1.80 (same behavior in version 1.7.3 as well)
Coverity Server Version: 7.7.0

I have a single Coverity Project / Stream which contains approx. 6200 
defects (most of which are now in either an Ignore or Fixed state).  I 
compile and perform defect analysis using my own build scripts (I do not 
utilize the coverity plugin to perform defect analysis, only defect result 
reporting).  When my jenkins project which is utilizing the Coverity plugin 
goes to pull the list of defects out from my coverity project/strem to 
assess against the filters I've defined in Jenkins it only pulls a maximum 
of 3000 defects out.  This is preventing my automated continuous 
integration process from being able to recognize when new defects are 
introduced into the code base.  I need it to pull out all 6200+ defects and 
then assess them against my defined filters.

After doing a little digging I found the very old jenkins issue 
JENKINS-20670 which seems to have been back when the limit was set to 100, 
and I also found in the patch notes the solution for BZ 60322 which 
happened to up the limit to 3000.  I am thinking the error resides in the 
hard coded 3000 in the **** files located in 
src/main/java/jenkins/plugins/coverity/analysis but I may be mistaken.

Has anyone else run into this issue?  Have you found a solution / 


Matt P.

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