My project has 'Hooks with Persisted Data' as the mechanism, and Pull 
Request Opened and Commit Changed as the triggers. I can see the hooks 
being fired in the github hook area.

 see that Jenkins returned this very boring 200 response.

*Date:* Thu, 27 Oct 2016 16:33:26 GMT*Server:* 
Jetty(9.2.z-SNAPSHOT)*X-Content-Type-Options:* nosniff

I set up the recommended additional logger, and I see nothing in there at 

>From the main Jenkins log, I see:

Oct 27, 2016 12:33:27 PM INFO 
org.jenkinsci.plugins.github.pullrequest.GitHubPRTrigger readyToBuildCauses

GitHub rate limit after check raas/rosapi1.5: GHRateLimit{remaining=1000000, 
limit=1000000, resetDate=Sun Dec 13 08:34:06 EST 48792}, consumed: 0, checked 
PRs: 1

Oct 27, 2016 12:33:27 PM INFO 
org.jenkinsci.plugins.github.pullrequest.utils.LoggingTaskListenerWrapper info

Finished GitHub Pull Request trigger check for raas/rosapi1.5 at Oct 27, 2016 
12:33:27 PM. Duration: 576ms

>From my job's page, I can click on PR polling log, and see:

GitHub PR Polling Log
View as plain text 

Running GitHub Pull Request trigger check for Oct 27, 2016 12:33:26 PM on 
GitHub rate limit before check: GHRateLimit{remaining=1000000, limit=1000000, 
resetDate=Sun Dec 13 08:27:08 EST 48792}
Finished GitHub Pull Request trigger check for raas/rosapi1.5 at Oct 27, 2016 
12:33:27 PM. Duration: 576ms

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