Quite new to Job DSL, I am running some tests and trias.
I currently try to factorize some common job configuration part in a 
library I can reuse within each job.
I know how to do that with DSL, but I face out a problem with adding an env 

I have this code which run ok :

class jobFramework {
   static commonConf(dslFactory) {
       dslFactory.configure { project ->
           project / 'buildWrappers' {

           project / 'logRotator' {

    environmentVariables {

Now I would like to put the env var definition into the jobFramework class.
But trying the following lines :
           project / 'environmentVariables' {
I obtain the following error :
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: 
groovy.util.NodeBuilder.env() is applicable for argument types: 
(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) values: [TOTO, TITI]
Possible solutions: any(), find(), any(groovy.lang.Closure), wait(), 
every(), dump()
at jobFramework$_commonConf_closure1$_closure4.doCall(script:20)
at jobFramework$_commonConf_closure1$_closure4.doCall(script)
at jobFramework$_commonConf_closure1.doCall(script:19)
where 10 is the line number of the lines related to env vars.

So... after several trials, I am quite lost...

If someone cold help, thanks a lot !

Best Regards

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