Yeah, seem about right, this what I end up doing:

def all_rules_file = 'rules.txt'
dir(pwd([tmp: true]))
writeFile([file: all_rules_file, text: all_rules_str]);
stash includes: all_rules_file, name: 'LogParsingRules'
unstash 'LogParsingRules'
step([$class: 'LogParserPublisher', parsingRulesPath: 
"${env.WORKSPACE}/${all_rules_file}", useProjectRule: false, 
failBuildOnError: true, unstableOnWarning: true, showGraphs: true]);

So I create the temp file on the slave then stash it, move to the master, 
unstash iit then run the LogParserPublisher there. It would probably work 
if step() is executed on the slave through.

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