Morgan Blackthorne (2017-05-12 20:05):
So I'm a little confused as to setting job to a value, but then referencing build.setDescription afterwards... or should that be job.setDescription?

    // loop over jobs (possible also in Script Console)
    for (item in hudson.model.Hudson.instance.items) {
      println("Saving " + item);;

Do I need to save them all, or just the one I modified? Like; ?

I don't think you need to save jobs after doing something with them. That was just an example action in the loop. Just test your commands in the script console and see if it works. Make sure you you have backup of at least config.xml of your jobs ;-).


PS: I actually use this loop in our Jenklins installation. I do this to re-fresh configs after plugin updates. Doing `save` forces plugins to verfiy job config and possibly insert defaults.

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