There are actually two additional def's.

def repoName = ""
def clusterName = ""

On Sunday, June 25, 2017 at 12:25:14 PM UTC+3, Idan Adar wrote:
> I'm having difficulty passing parameters into a multiple lines sh section 
> like below.
> Can someone help with spotting the problem?
> Specifically, 
> 1. $datacenter is empty
> 2. $clusterName is empty
> 3. I suspect $repoName is empty too
> stage ("Update Deployments") {      
>          steps {
>             script {
>                def repoList = microServicesToPublish.tokenize(",")
>                def clusterList = clustersToPublishTo.tokenize(",")
>                for (String clusterName : clusterList) {
>                   for (String repoName : repoList) {
>                      // Create a folder based on the current repository 
> in the list
>                      dir(repoName) {
>                         // Clone it
>                         git branch: 'master', credentialsId: '****', url: 
> "https://****/****/"; + repoName
>                         // Apply Kubernetes configuration and update the 
> Deployment
>                         sh '''
>                            datacenter=${repoName:16}
>                            export 
> KUBECONFIG=/home/bluemix/.bluemix/plugins/container-service/clusters/$clusterName/kube-config-$datacenter-$clusterName.yml
>                            # Set the build number
>                            case $repoName in
>                               "****") 
>                                  ../../../yaml w -i 
> config/environments/****/$clusterName/kubernetes/deployment.yaml 
> spec.template.spec.containers[0].image myregistry/mynamespace/myimage:m 
> <$instmgr>ytag
>                                  ;;
>                            esac
>                          '''
>                       }
>                   }
>                }
>             }
>        }          
>  }

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