In Blue Ocean 1.1.4 I have tried everything from and some own ideas, 
nothing seems to work:

stages {
  stage('Parallel1') { 
    parallel 'branch1': {
      node('n1') { stage('Unit 1') { echo "1" } }
    }, 'branch2': {
      node('n2') { stage('Unit 2') { echo "2" } }
* Result: *Starting with version 0.5, steps in a stage must be in a steps 

stages {
  steps {
    parallel 'branch1': { 
      node('n1') { stage('Unit 1') { echo "1" } } 
    }, 'branch2': {
      node('n2') { stage('Unit 2') { echo "2" } }
* Result: *Invalid step "stage" used - not allowed in this context - The 
stage step cannot be used in Declarative Pipelines*

The only working version I have is:
        stage ('Parallel1') {
            steps {
                parallel ("TEST A" : {
                    echo "TEST A"
                },"TEST A" : {
                    echo "TEST B"

but this gives parallel steps not stages -- less readability and lack of 
control like:
        stage ('TEST A') {
            when {
                expression { params.DO_TEST_A == true }
            steps {
                echo "TEST A"

Any ideas how to make it work?

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