Hi Richard, thanks for your response.
publishToS3 is called in another custom step that is then called by the 
pipeline. The reason for the "publish" bit is I kept getting errors along 
the lines of "duplicate class load attempted" (see my post here 
As a result of a suggestion on that question (which I now think might have 
been a "disguised" error for not being able to load the publishToS3 custom 
step) I added a member to a "container" class and initialize it earlier. I 
will post here the relevant bits of code:

This is the "container" class that I instantiate in my pipeline and it does 
some stuff, mostly holding variable names and whatnot:

// src/com/seven10/Builder.groovy
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
package com.seven10;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat 
import java.util.Date
import com.seven10.publishToS3

class Builder implements Serializable{

 static final String TARGET_BUCKET = '...'
 static final String ADVANCED_INSTALLER_PATH = 
 String cli_version
 String release_family
 String win_version
 def steps
 final def publisher
 def docker_images = [:]
 final String date

 Builder(steps) {
 println "Builder Constructor Enter"
 this.steps = steps
 def dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd")
 this.date = dateFormat.format(new Date())
 this.publisher = publishToS3.newInstance()

 def init() {
 def pom = steps.readMavenPom file: 'pom.xml'
 if(pom.version == null) {
 this.cli_version = pom.parent.version
 } else {
 this.cli_version = pom.version
 steps.echo "builder: pom version = " + this.cli_version
 this.win_version = getWinVersionFromVersion(cli_version)
 steps.echo "builder: win_version = " + this.win_version
 this.release_family = getRelFamily(cli_version)
 steps.echo "builder: release_family = " + this.release_family

 steps.echo "Builder Constructor Exit"

 def getFriendlyName(String role_name) {

 static def getRelFamily(String version){
 def rval
 switch (version) {
 case ~/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/: rval = (version=~ /^\d+\.\d+/)[0]; break
 case ~/.*-SNAPSHOT$/: rval = 'qa_latest'; break
 case ~/.*SG\d+/: rval = 'sg_latest'; break
 case ~/.*cee\d+/: rval = 'cee_latest'; break
 default: rval = "unknown"
 static def getWinVersionFromVersion(String version) {
 def rval = (version =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+/)[0]
 println('windows version = ' + rval)

The following snippet is my actual Jenkinsfile (but again, the actual issue I'm 
having right now seems to be just running the code in the script console to get 
it working first)

@Library('jenkins-lib') _

final BUILT_INSTALLER_PATH = 'smb_installer/installer/*.exe'
final ADV_INST_PROJECT = 'smb_installer\\Hydrator.aip'

final HYDRATOR_JAR_SRC_PATH = 'lib/hydrator/docker/hydra-hydrator.jar'
final HYDRATOR_JAR_DEST_PATH = 'docker/hydrator/hydra-hydrator.jar'
final HYDRATOR_JAR_DEST_PATH_WIN = 'docker\\hydrator\\hydra-hydrator.jar'

final AUTOMATOR_JAR_SRC_PATH = 'lib/automator/docker/hydra-automator.jar'
final AUTOMATOR_JAR_DEST_PATH = 'docker/automator/hydra-automator.jar'

pipeline {
        agent none
        tools {
                maven 'maven'
                git 'git-install'
        stages {
                stage('Initialize') {
                        agent any
                        steps {
                                script {
                                        builder = 
                                        println("PATH = " + PATH)
                                        println("M2_HOME = " + M2_HOME)
                                        println("BRANCH_NAME = " + 
                stage('Build Executables') {
                        agent { label 'x64 && mvn && git' }
                        steps {
                cleanWs notFailBuild: true
                initSubmodules project_url: '...'
                                sh 'mvn clean install  --projects lib/parent'
                                // install nodejs and other voodoo stuff
                                sh 'mvn clean generate-resources  --projects 
lib/automator -PinstallNode'       
                                // install modules
                                sh 'mvn install -DskipTests'                    
                                // build executable jars
                sh 'mvn package -DskipTests --projects 
lib/hydrator,lib/automator -PbuildExecutable'
                // archive hydrator executable
                                sh "mv ${HYDRATOR_JAR_SRC_PATH} 
                fingerprint HYDRATOR_JAR_DEST_PATH
                stash includes: HYDRATOR_JAR_DEST_PATH, name: 'hydrator-build'
                stash includes: HYDRATOR_JAR_DEST_PATH, name: 
                // archive automator executable
                fingerprint AUTOMATOR_JAR_DEST_PATH
                                stash includes: AUTOMATOR_JAR_DEST_PATH, name: 
                stage('Deployables') {
                        parallel {
                                stage('Build Automator Docker Image') {
                                        // builds the actual Automator product 
as a docker image and publishes it
                                        agent {label 'docker'}
                                        when {
                                                anyOf {
                                                        branch 'feature/gateway'
                                                        branch 'develop'
                                                        branch 'master'
                                                        branch 'cee_jenkinsfile'
                                        steps {
                                                unstash 'automator-build'
                                                doDockerBuild role_name: 
'automator', builder: builder, context_path: 'docker/automator'
                                stage('Build Hydrator Docker Image') {

                                        // builds the actual Hydrator product 
as a docker image and publishes it
                                        agent {label 'docker'}
                                        when {
                                                anyOf {
                                                        branch 'feature/gateway'
                                                        branch 'develop'
                                                        branch 'master'
                                                        branch 'cee_jenkinsfile'
                                        steps {
                                                unstash 'hydrator-build'
                                                doDockerBuild role_name: 
'hydrator', builder: builder, context_path: 'docker/hydrator'
                                stage('Build Hydra Installer') {
                                        agent { label 'advanced-installer' }
                                        when {
                                                anyOf {
                                                        branch 'feature/gateway'
                                                        branch 'develop'
                                                        branch 'master'
                                                        branch 'cee_jenkinsfile'
                                        steps {
                                                //retrieve hydrator jar
                                                unstash 'hydrator-build'
                                                //build installer
                                                bat "copy 
${HYDRATOR_JAR_DEST_PATH_WIN} smb_installer\\"
                                buildInstaller src_file: ADV_INST_PROJECT, 
win_version: builder.win_version
                                fingerprint BUILT_INSTALLER_PATH
                                stash includes: BUILT_INSTALLER_PATH_WIN, name: 
                                        post {
                                                success {
                                                        cleanWs notFailBuild: 
                        }       // parallel
                }       // parallel stage
                stage('Publish everything')
                        agent { label 'docker' }
                        when {
                                anyOf {
                                        branch 'feature/gateway'
                                        branch 'develop'
                                        branch 'master'
                                        branch 'cee_jenkinsfile'
                        steps {
                                publishDocker builder: builder, image_list: 
                                unstash name: 'smb-installer'
                            // publish installer
                            publishInstaller role_name: 
'Storfirst_SMB_Hydrator', target_path: 'installers/hydrator', builder: builder,
                    post {
                        success {
                                cleanWs cleanWhenFailure: false, 
cleanWhenNotBuilt: false, notFailBuild: true           
                stage('Tag Revisions') {
                        agent {label 'git'}
                        when {
                                        anyOf {
                                                branch 'feature/gateway'
                                                branch 'develop'
                                                branch 'master'
                                                branch 'cee_jenkinsfile'
                        steps {
                                sh("git tag -a ${env.BUILD_TAG} -m 
                                sh("git submodule foreach git tag -a 
${env.BUILD_TAG} -m '${repositoryCommiterMessage}'")

(sorry for that not being in a codeblock, google doesn't want to properly 
format the code for some reason)



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