Here's a sample function we call in our pipeline

def processTestFailure() {
    junit "**/build/test-results/**/*.xml" 
    emailext body: "<strong><font color=\"red\">You broke the 
build</font></strong><br /><br /> It appears that ${env.BUILD_URL} tests 
are failing (${currentBuild.result}). <br /><br />Change sets:<br 
/>${changelist()}<br /><br />${testStatuses()}", recipientProviders: [[
$class: "FailingTestSuspectsRecipientProvider"], [$class: 
"FirstFailingBuildSuspectsRecipientProvider"], [$class: 
"CulpritsRecipientProvider"]], subject: "FAILING TEST - ${env.JOB_NAME} 
(${env.BUILD_NUMBER}) - ${currentBuild.result}" 

On Friday, February 15, 2019 at 2:53:41 PM UTC-5, Zach LaCelle wrote:
> For my "build failed" emails, I'd like to send an email from my Jenkins 
> Declarative Pipeline to the developers group but also to a fixed list of 
> recipients. Under the Pipeline documentation (
>, I see a class for 
> "recipients", which states that it includes "recipients defined in the 
> "Project Recipient List.""
> My question is: how do I add a list of emails to the "Project Recipient 
> List"? Where is this list defined for Declarative pipelines? If I can add 
> to this list, then I think I can add something like: recipientProviders: 
> [[$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider'], [$class: 
> 'RecipientsRecipientProvider']]
> Or, if I can't do this, then I could also add a "to:" at the end of the 
> emailext declaration. How do I add multiple users to this entry? Are they 
> comma-separated, or semi-colon separated? Will they automatically have the 
> default domain added?

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