On Tuesday, 31 January 2017 02:34:13 UTC+5:30, Christopher Burke wrote:
> Hey everyone
>    Part of my build pipeline requires that I publish a zip file to a 
> server, so I'm trying the following:
> response = httpRequest httpMode: 'POST', contentType: 
> 'APPLICATION_OCTETSTREAM', body:"...", url: "${urlForPublish}"
>    I'm not sure how to specify the body correctly, though. Could anyone 
> point me to an example or offer any suggestions? In the meantime, I've 
> worked around this by using curl, but it seems like using the httpRequest 
> step would be preferable.
>    Thanks,
>    --- Chris
> ------------------------
This worked for Me : 

def response =  httpRequest(acceptType: 'APPLICATION_JSON', contentType: 
                         customHeaders  : [[name: "authorization" , value : 
"${authToken}"],[name: 'x-username' , value: 'admin']],
                         httpMode: 'POST', ignoreSslErrors: true, 
multipartName: 'AppDefenseBundle.zip', timeout: 900,

                         responseHandle: 'NONE', uploadFile: 
"${bundleUploadPath}", url: "${url}") 

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