On Tuesday, 6 August 2019 11:01:45 UTC-4, Jérémie Faucher-Goulet wrote:
> Hi, I find myself in a bit of a bind and would like suggestions on how to 
> move forward with our Jenkins cluster.
> We've recently updated from a 3 year old version to start using all the 
> beautiful pipeline plugins stuff, but would like to slowly transition our 
> hundreds of job over time. The first part worked without too many issues 
> and our old jobs are running fine on the updated cluster (1 master + 7 
> slaves). However I seem to be stuck in regards to the shell executable.
> Currently, it is defined as an environment variable in our Jenkins global 
> configuration. In this manner:
> Shell executable: ${SHELL_EXEC}
> Not far above, we have a default value which is defined globally, pointing 
> to a location where we have MSYS available on most windows slaves.
> Each Linux slaves override this environment variable in this manner in 
> their node configuration:
> SHELL_EXEC=/bin/sh
> When I put a "sh" step in my new declarative file, I get a on a Linux 
> node/agent:
> *sh: 1: ${SHELL_EXEC}: not found*
> I read somewhere that environment variables defined in the slave node 
> configuration are not taken into account when using Jenkins pipeline. A pity. 
> So I did the following tests
> I tried using a environment block:
> stage {    
>     environment {
>         SHELL_EXEC = '/bin/sh'
>     }
>     steps {
>         sh 'echo "Something"'
>     }
> }
> But it doesn't work and I get the same error. I also tried using 'withEnv' 
> this way:
> stage {
>     steps {
>         withEnv(["SHELL_EXEC='/bin/sh'"]) {
>             sh 'echo "This is a print test"'
>         }
>     }
> }
> And I also get the same error.
> Does anyone have any suggestion on how to override the 'Shell executable' 
> currently set in the global jenkins configuration? I would like to make the 
> transition to Jenkins Pipeline as easy as possible and not having to 
> reconfigure 100+ jobs manually just so I can blank this global setting.
This isn't quite what you were looking for, but may be a possible solution: 
go into the MSYS environment and copy or link your shell of choice into 
/bin/sh.  If someone can tell you how to configure the shell in Jenkins as 
you asked, that would be better because what I'm suggesting is fragile: 
changes to the MSYS environment could overwrite this hackish solution.

If you were feeling aggressive about it, you could create a method in 
Jenkins that runs before every job and forcibly copies your shell to 
/bin/sh ...

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