I'm guessing you've looked at this already 

On Monday, September 30, 2019 at 3:35:30 AM UTC-4, Kaliyug Antagonist wrote:
> I have several microservices which use the same pipeline from a shared 
> library <https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/shared-libraries/> which is 
> named *jenkins-shared-pipelines* . The Jenkinsfile for a microservice is 
> as follows:
> @Library(['jenkins-shared-pipelines']) _
> gradleProjectPrPipeline([buildAgent: 'oc-docker-jdk11', 
> disableIntegrationTestStage: true])
> In jenkins-shared-pipelines/vars, the gradleProjectBranchWrapper has the 
> following stages:
> /**
>  * gradleProjectPrPipeline is a generic pipeline
>  * @param pipelineProperties map used to pass parameters
>  * @return
>  */
> void call(Map pipelineProperties = [:]) {
>             .
>             .
>             .
>     pipeline {
>         agent {
>             node {
>                 label "${pipelineProperties.buildAgent}"
>             }
>         }
>         options {
>             skipDefaultCheckout true
>             timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS')
>             buildDiscarder(logRotator(
>                     numToKeepStr: '5',
>                     daysToKeepStr: '7',
>                     artifactNumToKeepStr: '1',
>                     artifactDaysToKeepStr: '7'
>             ))
>         }
>         stages {
>             stage('Clone') {                
>                 steps {
>                     //clone step
>                 }
>             }
>             stage('Compile') {                
>                 steps {
>                     script {
>                        /*Some custom logic*/
>                     }
>                     runGradleTask([task: 'assemble',
>                                    rawArgs: defaultGradleArgs + " 
> -Pcurrent_version=${releaseTag}"
>                     ])
>                 }
>             }
>             stage('Tests') {
>                 parallel {
>                     stage('Unit tests') {                        
>                         steps {
>                             //Unit tests
>                         }
>                     }
>                     stage('Integration tests') {                        
>                         steps {
>                             //Integration tests
>                         }
>                     }
>                 }
>             }
>             stage('Sonar scan') {                
>                 steps {
>                     //Sonar scanning
>                 }
>             }            
>         }
>         post {
>             unsuccessful {
>                 script {
>                     bitbucketHandler.notifyBuildFail([
>                         displayName: pipelineName,
>                         displayMessage: "Build ${env.BUILD_ID} failed at 
>                     ])
>                 }
>             }
>             success {
>                 script {
>                     bitbucketHandler.notifyBuildSuccess([
>                         displayName: pipelineName,
>                         displayMessage: "Build ${env.BUILD_ID} completed at 
>                     ])
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
> Now, there will be several more pipelines in 
> jenkins-shared-pipelines(under the same vars directory) e.g: awsPipeline, 
> azurePipeline and so on which will also incorporate the deployment stages. 
> These pipelines will require all the stages in the above 
> gradleProjectBranchWrapper and will also add a few of their own stages. 
> Currently, we simply copy-paste these stages in the new pipelines, then, we 
> invoke these new pipelines from the microservices, so for example:
> @Library(['jenkins-shared-pipelines']) _
> awsPipeline([buildAgent: 'oc-docker-jdk11', disableIntegrationTestStage: 
> true])
> I was wondering if there is a way to include the 
> gradleProjectBranchWrapper in the pipelines like awsPipeline, azurePipeline 
> and so on. Note: There is a post block in the gradleProjectBranchWrapper, 
> the other pipelines may have their own post blocks

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