I was having problems running Selenium tests through Jenkins on Open SUSE 
node. I got it working with [Xvfb plugin][1] by installing, configuring 
plugin on Jenkins server and updating pipeline by wrapping Selenium 
execution code with -

    wrap([$class: 'Xvfb', ....]) { 
      //Selenium execution code goes here

I've Jenkins master on Windows machine and nodes are Linux machines. Is 
there a way with which if I can configure master and nodes so I don't need 
Xvfb plugin?

Please suggest what are alternative ways to achieve what Xvfb is doing.


We've multiple pipelines and if we decide to use this plugin, in every 
pipeline we'll have to make the change. Hence to avoid that looking for an 
alternate way which can help to make change at one place or changes on 
nodes or master. 

Or any other way to make change in framework except following which runs 
tests in headless mode -

  [1]: https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Xvfb+Plugin

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