> On 25. Mar 2020, at 14:25, Roland Asmann <roland.asm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Now, I was wondering if it was possible to configure nodes to be only used by 
> certain people/groups/jobs/..., or even better, have the UI hide them from 
> people that are not supposed to use them?
> We are currently using Project-based security with LDAP and the Folder Plugin 
> --> Every Project has a Group in LDAP and a folder in Jenkins where they have 
> their jobs. It would be great if I can somehow 'connect' a server to one or 
> more group(s) or folder(s).

The Build Authorization mechanism does that by associating user authentications 
with running builds, and using the Agent/Build permission to control who gets 
to use an agent (it's a different permission than Job/Build): 

An easier approach would be plugins like 
https://plugins.jenkins.io/job-restrictions/ that use a different mechanism to 
limit which jobs are allowed to build on a node that is easier to introduce to 
an existing setup.

Neither of the plugins is all that well maintained at the moment, I think, but 
maybe they're good enough in their current state.

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