Hi Gianluca,

thank you for your answer. Here is an example of my problem:

When I run pipeline code:
def fileName = "index_${reportBuildNo}.html";
… // HTML is generated here
publishHTML (target: [
      allowMissing: false,
      alwaysLinkToLastBuild: false,
      keepAll: true,
      reportDir: "/${reportDir}",
      reportFiles: fileName,
      reportName: "Results"
my build directories after 3 builds contains the following:
 - index_1.html
 - index_1.html
 - index_2.html
 - index_1.html
 - index_2.html
 - index_3.html

Maybe the problem is in my generic report filenames (including build 
My old and new HTML files are generated into one directory for all builds. 
When HTML files are generated I pass only filenames of the current build to 

On Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at 12:46:35 PM UTC-6, Gianluca wrote:
> Hi, I have this in my pipeline
> publishHTML target: [
>     allowMissing: true,
>     alwaysLinkToLastBuild: false,
>     keepAll: true,
>     reportDir: 'out/python3-cov',
>     reportFiles: '*/index.html',
>     reportName: 'Python 3 Coverage'
> ]
> And I don't have old reports in builds. Each build has it own report built.
> So, or I don't understand what you are asking for, or you misunderstood 
> the behaviour? 
> Can you details more what you mean with duplications?
> On Wednesday, 1 April 2020 18:32:12 UTC+1, Filip Kosik wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to *publish HTML reports for each build*. I tried plugin 
>> HtmlPublisher 
>> (1.22) <https://plugins.jenkins.io/htmlpublisher/> but when it publishes 
>> my reports on their build page (using keepAll=true), it creates copies 
>> of reports from all previous builds in each build directory. So, each 
>> Jenkins build includes many copies of old reports and they are bigger and 
>> bigger. If I publish my reports on the project page (using keepAll=false), 
>> old reports are preserved in their project directory (in my file system) 
>> but only the last report is accessible from Jenkins. Is there any way how 
>> to have reports *on their build pages without creation of their 
>> duplicates*? Maybe, there is some parameter that I'm still missing.
>> My pipeline includes the following HtmlPublisher use:
>> publishHTML (target: [
>>   allowMissing: false,
>>   alwaysLinkToLastBuild: false,
>>   keepAll: true,
>>   reportDir: "./htmlReports",
>>   reportFiles: reportFileNames, //generic variable
>>   reportName: "Results"
>> ])
>> Thank you

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