Hi Christian,
I'm doing it in a pipeline that runs various git commands to check out, 
push and open PRs automatically for some DevOps.

This is how I did:

I've created a bash script git_password_helper.sh with the following 


exec echo "$GITHUB_PSW"

The in the pipeline, I set the environment to use the GitHub credentials I 

environment {
GITHUB = credentials('user_github_token')

I use the personal access token instead of user password because it works 
and it's more secure than storing password on Jenkins credentials.

Then, I have a bash script containing all the git commands I have to run 
and the trick is to set GIT_ASKPASS to the bash script above:

export GIT_ASKPASS=./scripts/git_password_helper.sh

git ... 
git ...
git ...

How does it works?

The pipeline injects into environment variable GITHUB_USR/PWD the user and 
access token and they are available to the bash script running the git 
command, then the GIT_ASKPASS instructs git to call the 
git_password_helper.sh when it needs the user's password instead of 
prompting ... and the git_password_helper.sh echo the GITHUB_PWD containing 
the access token stored into Jenkins credentials.

That works for me.


On Friday, 29 May 2020 10:50:29 UTC+1, Christian Baumann wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know this topic is rather old, but I´m facing the very same issue and 
> was not able to find a proper solution.
> Has anything changed since this question has been raised and someone could 
> provide an answer?
> Many thanks,
> Christian
> Am Mittwoch, 30. November 2016 12:20:22 UTC+1 schrieb Torsten Reinhard:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a Multi Branch Project, using a *.git Repository. All branches are 
>> detected and the checkout is working. 
>> In my JenkinsFile I need to execute some "git" commands, like:
>> ...
>> sh "git tag -d FOR_INTEGRATION_TESTING"                     // removes 
>> the tag in local env.
>> sh "git push origin :refs/tags/FOR_INTEGRATION_TESTING"        // 
>> removes the tag in remote env.
>> sh "git tag -a FOR_INTEGRATION_TESTING"                        // adds 
>> the tag to different commit
>> sh "git push origin FOR_INTEGRATION_TESTING"                // pushes 
>> the change to the remote
>> ...
>> How can I apply the credentials here ? 
>> When trying 
>> withCredentials [$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: 
>> git_creds, usernameVariable: 'G_USER', passwordVariable: 'G_PASS'] {
>>   ...
>> }
>> I see this exception:
>> org.jenkinsci.plugins.credentialsbinding.impl.CredentialNotFoundException: 
>> Credentials 'a378e16a-3d20-4465-aef1-b2bd233f15b6' is of type 'SSH Username 
>> with private key' 
>> where 
>> 'com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.common.StandardUsernamePasswordCredentials'
>>  was expected
>> Is there another class instead of "UsernamePasswordMultiBinding" I have 
>> to use? 
>> Thanx for pointing me in the right direction, 
>> Torsten

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