Hello everyone,

I have following set up in my Jenkins instance (Version 2.240):

A Maven setting.xml is stored in Managed File -> Global Maven Settings.xml. 
In Managed Jenkins -> Managed Tools, this settings.xml is set in Maven 
configuration -> Default global settings provider -> Provided global 

Now I have following declarative pipeline script:

pipeline {

    agent any

    tools {
        jdk "11.0.7.j9-adpt"

    stages {
        stage ('Maven Build') {
            steps {
                checkout scm
                withMaven(maven: 'mvn-3.6.3') {
                    sh "mvn install"


        stage ('Sonar analyse') {
            steps {
                withMaven(maven: 'mvn-3.6.3') {
                    sh "mvn sonar:sonar"

It works fine, but I like to reduce duplication like the withMaven 
declarative. Therefore, I refactor the pipeline to the following one:

pipeline {

    agent any

    tools {
        jdk "11.0.7.j9-adpt"
        maven "mvn-3.6.3"

    stages {
        stage ('Maven Build') {
            steps {
                checkout scm
                sh "mvn install"

        stage ('Sonar analyse') {
            steps {
                sh "mvn sonar:sonar"

Unfortunately, with above pipeline script my global set Maven settings.xml 
isn't used. So my question is, is there a trick that I can say global in my 
pipeline script or in my Jenkins configuration that which settings.xml 
should be used without using withMaven?

Thank you and best regards,


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