Did you figure out how to do this? I just updated to v5 and am running into 
the same issues.

On Tuesday, August 6, 2019 at 8:01:48 AM UTC-7, ya wrote:
> Hi all. 
> We use jenkins pipelines and want start migrate to new version of OWASP 
> Dependency-Check plugin, but can't understand new syntax.
> On github page 
> <https://github.com/jenkinsci/dependency-check-plugin/wiki/v5-Migration> we 
> find only description of new version. 
> On jenkins wiki 
> <https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/OWASP+Dependency-Check+Plugin> we 
> find only free style project example.
> On jenkins 
> <https://jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/dependency-check-jenkins-plugin/> we 
> find new method dependencyCheck without examples. And on google we can't 
> find any reference about new syntax.
> Our stage in 4.* version
> stage("Dependency Check") {
>      dependencyCheckAnalyzer datadir: 'dependency-check-data', 
> isFailOnErrorDisabled: true, hintsFile: '', includeCsvReports: false, 
> includeHtmlReports: true, includeJsonReports: false, isAutoupdateDisabled: 
> false, outdir: '', scanpath: '', skipOnScmChange: false, 
> skipOnUpstreamChange: false, suppressionFile: '', zipExtensions: ''
>      dependencyCheckPublisher canComputeNew: false, defaultEncoding: '', 
> healthy: '', pattern: '', unHealthy: ''
>      archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: 
> '**/dependency-check-report.*', onlyIfSuccessful: true    
>   }
> So in new version jenkins write: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL 
> method 'dependencyCheckAnalyzer' , we understand this cause. 
> But when we try do somethink like this in new version, we have just 
> errors: 
>  stage("Dependency Check") {
>     dependency-check //or dependencycheck or dependencyCheck
>     dependencyCheckPublisher canComputeNew: false, defaultEncoding: '', 
> healthy: '', pattern: '', unHealthy: ''
>     archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: 
> '**/dependency-check-report.*', onlyIfSuccessful: true
>   }
> groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: dependency for class: 
> WorkflowScript
> Another try:
> stage("Dependency Check") {
>     dependencyCheck datadir: 'dependency-check-data', isFailOnErrorDisabled: 
> true, hintsFile: '', includeCsvReports: false, includeHtmlReports: true, 
> includeJsonReports: false, isAutoupdateDisabled: false, outdir: '', scanpath: 
> '', skipOnScmChange: false, skipOnUpstreamChange: false, suppressionFile: '', 
> zipExtensions: '' 
>     dependencyCheckPublisher canComputeNew: false, defaultEncoding: '', 
> healthy: '', pattern: '', unHealthy: ''
>     archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: 
> '**/dependency-check-report.*', onlyIfSuccessful: true
>   }
> [DependencyCheck] A Dependency-Check installation was not specified. Please 
> configure the build and specify a Dependency-Check installation to use.
> Another try:
> stage("Dependency Check") {
>     dependency-check datadir: 'dependency-check-data', isFailOnErrorDisabled: 
> true, hintsFile: '', includeCsvReports: false, includeHtmlReports: true, 
> includeJsonReports: false, isAutoupdateDisabled: false, outdir: '', scanpath: 
> '', skipOnScmChange: false, skipOnUpstreamChange: false, suppressionFile: '', 
> zipExtensions: '' 
>     dependencyCheckPublisher canComputeNew: false, defaultEncoding: '', 
> healthy: '', pattern: '', unHealthy: ''
>     archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: 
> '**/dependency-check-report.*', onlyIfSuccessful: true
>   }
> org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup 
> failed:
> WorkflowScript: 15: expecting '}', found 'datadir' @ line 15, column 26.
>            dependency-check datadir: 'dependency-check-data', 
> isFailOnErrorDisabled: true, hintsFile: '', includeCsvReports: false, 
> includeHtmlReports: true, includeJsonReports: false, isAutoupdateDisabled: 
> false, outdir: '', scanpath: '', skipOnScmChange: false, 
> skipOnUpstreamChange: false, suppressionFile: '', zipExtensions: '' 
> And we read this github description 
> <https://github.com/jeremylong/DependencyCheck>, so we need to just use bash 
> command in our pipeline to start a dependency check?
> Maybe someone who use pipelines with dependency check can write examples how 
> to use new version of dependency check with pipelines?

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