I am having a problem updating a variable based on the result of a shell
script when I create stages dynamically. I think that this is because the
dynamically created stage is a closure and its view of the variable is as
of the time of the closure.

Is there a way to solve this problem?

Here's the sample Jenkinsfile if the stages are run sequentially and not
created dynamically.
It behaves as expected.

node {
    label 'master'
    def needsBuild = []
    myexit = 0
    myscript = """
    echo "Desired exit $myexit"
    exit $myexit
    stage("Status $myexit") {
        status = sh script: myscript, returnStatus: true
        if (status) {
            echo "Changes needed"
    myexit = 1
    myscript = """
    echo "Desired exit $myexit"
    exit $myexit
    stage("Status $myexit") {
        status = sh script: myscript, returnStatus: true
        if (status) {
            echo "Changes needed"

This Jenkinsfile has a traceback when it tries 'needsBuild.add(myexit)

  def createStage(mystatus) {
    def myexit = mystatus
    def myscript = """
    echo "Desired exit $myexit"
    exit $myexit
    return {
        stage("job $myexit") {
            status = sh script: myscript, returnStatus: true
            if (status) {
                echo "Changes needed"
node {
    label 'master'
    def needsBuild = []
    def stages = [:]
    for (index in [0, 1]) {
        stages["Exit value $index"] = createStage(index)
    parallel stages

Here's the traceback:

+ exit 1[Pipeline] echo
needed[Pipeline] }[Pipeline] // stage[Pipeline] }[Pipeline] //
node[Pipeline] End of Pipelinegroovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No
such property: needsBuild for class: groovy.lang.Binding
        at groovy.lang.Binding.getVariable(Binding.java:63)

Any suggestions or guidance on what I am missing would be appreciated.

Eric Boehm

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