Hello Colleagues,

Sorry for being dumb. I'm currently using the following simple step:

post {
    failure {
        emailext body: 'Check console output at $BUILD_URL to view the 
results', subject: '....

If I want to replace this simple oneliner with a Jelly template, where should
I insert the ${JELLY_SCRIPT,template="text"} variable? I've tried the following:

emailext body: '${JELLY_SCRIPT,template="text"}', subject: '....

But it resulted in a very laconic mail body:

Build URL: https://jenkins.....
Project: ....
Date of build: Tue, 28 Sep 2021 05:08:28 +0000                                  
Build duration: 1 min 36 sec and counting

Which is not at all like the lush message on the 
email-ext-plugin docs screenshots.

What am I doing wrong?

Jenkins 2.303.1, Email Extension Plugin 2.83

Victor Sudakov VAS4-RIPE

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