I have written the following code to execute the ansible playbook, but got 
the following error:

stage('Artifacts') {
           when {
               expression { 
                   params.version =~ /SNAPSHOT/
            steps {
                dir('feature') { 
                     checkout resolveScm(source: [$class: 'GitSCMSource', 
credentialsId: 'svcPsdGit-ssh', id: '_', remote: 
'ssh://git@psdgit.:7999/tt040/it-infra.git', traits: 
[gitBranchDiscovery()]], targets: [params.main_branch])
                     sh '''   
                        echo "`pwd`"
                        env | sort
                        cd ansible/playbooks


cd ansible/playbooks + ansible-playbook 
line 5: ansible-playbook: command not found [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // dir 
[Pipeline] }

Note: ssh://g...@git.com:7999/tt040/it-infra.git

Can you please help me out?

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