It handles checkout from multiple repositories and pushes tags to each.  
The only issue is that it seems to see tags in other repositories when it 
should only see the tags in the repository in question.  If the tag exists 
in ANY of the repositories I build for, this will be the error:

using credential e9cc840b-9e32-416c-94e7-7b23c1afbd5e 
 > git tag -l 
# timeout=10 ERROR: Step ‘Git Publisher’ failed: Tag already 
exists and Create Tag is specified, so failing.

Any clue how I would trouble shoot such a thing?


On Thursday, May 19, 2022 at 8:56:30 AM UTC-6 Mark Waite wrote:

> On Thursday, May 19, 2022 at 8:42:29 AM UTC-6 Eric Fetzer wrote:
>> OK, I've been having some major issues with Git source code management in 
>> Jenkins.  So I have several repositories I pull from to do builds.  I use 
>> my same credentials to pull from each.  If the pull succeeds, I push a tag 
>> at it.  I was noticing certain tags were failing saying it already existed 
>> even though it didn't exist.  Well, it didn't exist in THAT repository.  
>> But it did exist in one of the other repositories.  I tested by creating 
>> these tags in git command line and pushing them and it worked fine.  Anyone 
>> have a clue what could be happening here?  The jenkins task goes to my 
>> repository's url with my credentials selecting from the branch I tell it.  
>> It's set to clean before check out.  It does all of this fine.  It has a 
>> Git Publisher post build step to push my tag only if the checkout succeeds 
>> with the box checked to create new tag.  This works UNLESS that same tags 
>> exists in any of the projects I run this checkout task against.  Can anyone 
>> think of a reason for this odd behavior?  Thanks!!!
> I don't know if the git publisher in the git plugin is able to handle 
> checkout from multiple repositories.  It may not be that sophisticated.
> You may need to switch to use the "with credentials" feature that was 
> added in Google Summer of Code 2021 to allow you to perform the push of the 
> tag yourself rather than using the git publisher.  Docs on the "with 
> credentials" feature are available at 
> (Pipeline) and 
> (freestyle) 
> Mark Waite

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