For a few years I've been running multiple (independent) Jenkins instances 
on one server.  Each server runs under its own apache instance.
This has worked perfectly fine for a few years with no problems.
Last week I upgraded all three servers to 2.346.1.  two of the three 
servers had been updated regularly so this wasn't a huge jump, that third 
server has a year and a bit behind so it was a bigger jump (siteB).
All three sites upgraded fine.  
All three sites got upgraded to Java 11.  That went fine.
All three sites run independently with no problems.
When I start all three sites, I have one site that crashes.  The crash 
seems to be triggered in particular when you access the management page on 
one particular server.
so like this
Site A is fine no matter what
Site B crashes when site C accesses its manage Jenkins page

I've double checked my settings, I can't find any port conflicts or Jenkins 
home conflicts.
I've tried running all three sites on separate Java installs.  Still crashes
The only thing that seems to stop the crash so far is if I run site C back 
on Java 8.

Any thoughts on what I could be missing here config wise?

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