
I'm using pytest for testing and have it generate a unittest
xml file that can be read by Jenkins. This has worked fine
for other jobs but now I have a new job where Jenkins doesn't
like the file:

01:12:52  org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.service.TransformerException: The result 
file 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\applicationtest\applicationtest\unittest.xml' for 
the metric 'CppUnit' is not valid. The result file has been skipped.

However the file exists and XmlLint doesn't see a problem with it.
No un-escaped special chars or < > etc. There's a <testsuites>
tag and it just looks like other files from other jobs that work.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><testsuites><testsuite name="pytest" 
errors="0" failures="31" skipped="0" tests="37" time="342.813" 
timestamp="2022-12-07T01:07:09.246626" hostname="TestHost7"><testcase 
classname="tests.test_explorer.TestClass" name="test_Exp_Invisible" 
time="85.074"><failure message="AssertionError: assert False&#10; +  where 
False = &lt;
framework\apptester.py:199: AssertionError</failure></testcase><testcase 
classname="tests.test_varlog.TestClass" name="test_Quit" time="0.012" 

Is there a way to see what exactly it is that Jenkins doesn't like
about this file?


bye  Fabi

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