On Fri, May 19, 2023 at 10:24 AM 'Gavin Mogan' via Jenkins Developers
<jenkinsci-...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Having been around for a number of the GSOC projects, and a number of the
> migration projects. I'm very worried about half finished state that nobody
> finishes. And honestly spent a lot of time cleaning up content on jenkins.io
> (some were .html, some were .md, some were .txt)
> So to me, jenkins.io shouldn't be cut over to the new system, until the new
> system is fully populated.

I concur with Gavin. I have a strong preference for a more narrow project scope
that results in a complete migration in production rather than a more wide
project scope that fails to achieve a complete migration in production. The
reason for this strong preference is that for efforts that do not reach complete
migration in production, the value of the effort approaches zero as time
approaches infinity. A complete migration to production of even one component
achieves value immediately and is therefore preferable from my perspective.

> So my suggestion based on me trying to convert jenkins.io to gatsby a while
> ago and realizing its just too big
> 1) docs.jenkins.io (versioned, antora)
> 2) guides.jenkins.io (versioned, antora, but less likely to update?)
> 3) news.jenkins.io (out of scope of gsoc i think) aka blog. hook up a headless
> cms like netlifycms (all javascript + github), or maybe even strapi (really
> nice headless cms, we could have webhooks that update the repo)
> 4) Leave everything else on www.jenkins.io
> It also makes a clear migration plan. We can make docs/tutorials live when the
> content is fully pulled out. No half measures.

I concur with Gavin. I have a strong preference for factoring out the docs
content into a new Antora site and atomically cutting over the links from the
monolithic Awestruct site to the new Antora site, thus achieving complete
migration in production. The same process could be later followed for the blog.
What remains of the monolithic Awestruct site after the Antora and blog portions
have been factored out can then be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, but I
would rather not include this in the scope of GSoC. The reason for this is that
I fear it would introduce additional risk and delay progress on the Antora
portion of the effort, which is already significant in scope and risk in and of

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