I think Steffen Luypaert wrote:
[Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]

> The solution I use now first binds the variables by using regular 
> patterns, for which no backward chaining is done. For example, if all 
> faa facts are present in working memory, the constraint (faa (id ?
> id&~2)) (foo (?id)) will assert need-foo facts for every id for which a 
> faa fact exists, except for the faa fact with id 2, which will result 
> in the desired behaviour for the sample rule.
> I am sure the values of the slots of facts(not patterns) have to be 
> bound in the current version of Jess, but I was just wondering that 
> this will ever change, or at least, was ever considered?

You've got some interesting ideas here. As I think you've guessed, the
issue is that things like "~2" or "red|blue" are compiled when a
rule is defined into structures in the Rete network; there's currently
no code in Jess that could interpret these at runtime.

But I could imagine a new Value subclass named TestValue, which could
wrap constraints such that they could indeed be evaluated at
runtime. I agree that this would make Jess's backward chaining much
more powerful.

This is something we could consider for Jess 7.1. I'll make a note of it.

Ernest Friedman-Hill  
Science and Engineering PSEs        Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs                FAX:   (925) 294-2234
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