Thank you for the quick reply.
But then again, I can avoid salience if I combine your approach with module definitions.
For instance:

(defrule default-rule
        ?a <- (a)
        (not (processed ?a))
        (assert (processed ?a))

(defmodule m)
(defrule m-rule
        ?a <- (a)
        (not (processed ?a))
        (assert (processed ?a))

(assert (a))
(focus m)


Is this a bad idea?
It seems to fit my purpose, since I may have lots of rules that are best organized with modules, which conceptualy correspond to contexts that are created in run-time. Therefore, when a fact arrives (which is defined using a deftemplate that contains a slot named "context") I focus on the corresponding module (which was previously created). Something like:

(defrule change-focus
   (foo (context ?ctx))
   (focus ?ctx)

(defrule default-rule
        ?foo <- (foo)
        (not (processed ?foo))
        (assert (processed ?foo))

Should I avoid this by using auto-focus? By the way, can I apply the auto-focus property to all rules inside a module at once, or must I define this property in every rule inside a module?



You don't need to avoid salience at all costs; you should avoid
excessive use of it, and you should avoid trying to force all rules to
fire in some specified order using it.

The higher-priority rules need to make some change in working memory
that the lower-priority rules can detect. For example

(defrule default-rule
 ?a <- (a)
 (not (processed ?a))
 (assert (processed ?a)))

(defrule special-rule
 (declare (salience 100))
 ?a <- (a)
 (not (processed ?a))
 (assert (processed ?a)))

For each fact ?a, special-rule will fire, and default-rule won't.

I think Henrique Lopes Cardoso wrote:
[Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]

I am trying to develop a Jess program that considers the use of default rules.
Here goes a simple example.

I have a rule in the MAIN module, but I want that rule to fire only if no other rule fires. Since the Jess 6 manual discourages the use of salience definitions, I am thinking on using modules.

That is, I have a module where I have some rules that are meant to fire when a fact appears in MAIN. If no rule fires, then the default rule in MAIN should fire.


(defrule default-rule (a) => (printout t "This is the default rule." crlf))

(defmodule m)
(defrule m-rule (a) => (printout t "This is the rule in m." crlf))

(assert (a))
(focus m)


Now, both rules fire: first the one inside module m and then the default-rule in MAIN. If I do not want the default-rule to fire, must I retract fact (a)?

(defrule m-rule
       ?x<- (a)
       (retract ?x) (printout t "This is the rule in m." crlf)

What if I want to keep a history of all the facts?



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