Well, the solution was to change the version of JessTab and Jess. Now
I use Jess 6.0b3 and JessTab1.1. However, when I run from eclipse many
errors are reported.
    Can you help me?

2005/11/1, Rich Halsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> While this reply does not deal directly with the rule under discussion, I
> continue to be amazed at the approaches used to "engineer" rule-based
> systems (which ultimately fail) and how little we hear from the the Olympic
> geniuses who are employed by the vendors (unless you are willing to pay
> $300/hr).
> To me, rules engineering (at the requirements/analysis level) is a
> discipline that is simple:
> (1) discover the "rules" that are found/described in the textual portions of
> the requirements.
> (2) describe possible "information entities" that the rule's LHS uses to
> test for truth and that the rule's RHS would take action with
> (create/update/delete).
> (3) model this information in such a way that the potential interactions
> between the rules can be documented, i.e. what conditional testing by LHS
> would be impacted by actions of the RHSs of other rules.
> (4) elaborate on this information with a high-level "control" system to
> preclude the possibility of undesirable conflicts between rules.
> Ironically, much of this can be set down in an Excel spreadsheet. The
> principal problem is that the merit of this approach seems to be lost on
> people until they have endured multiple project failures (myself included)
> and begin to look at rules engineering as something that is 180 degrees out
> of phase from ordinary procedural programming - it is a radically different
> paradigm that is not intuitively obvious to the uninitiated.
> Once this technique becomes second nature to the rules designer, success
> (and $$$$$) will follow. I offer this advice free to beginners, but as a
> consultant I do not work for free.
> Rich Halsey
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "James C. Owen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <jess-users@sandia.gov>
> Sent: Monday, October 31, 2005 11:53 PM
> Subject: Re: JESS: Jess error: Bad index
> > OK, this has been in my mail box for almost four hours and no one has
> > said anything - so, here goes.  FIRST - don't write B I G rules !!!
> > Second, half of the logic is in the right hand side (AE) of the  rule.
> > Why?  Third, there is absolutely NO explanation of what the  rule does or
> > what it is supposed to do, etc., etc. etc.  Pretty much,  this is written
> > like a lot of rules that I see every day.  Rules that  show a thought
> > process gone amok.  So, break it down, think it out,  make it simple, THEN
> > see what's wrong with the logic.  Actually, what  is "wrong" with the rule
> > is in the error message itself; apparently  Jess thinks that there is a
> > call to a Vector in the LHS of the rule  and that index 123 is a bad
> > index.  Probably is.
> >
> > On the other hand, even if you fix that part of the rule, it should  still
> > be taken out and shot for breaking the first three guidelines  mentioned
> > above.  Anyway, it's almost midnight.  Time for all good  little rule boys
> > to be in bed.  Preferably with someone else.  :-)
> >
> > SDG
> > jco
> >
> > On Oct 31, 2005, at 8:35 PM, Eunice Palmeira wrote:
> >
> >> I use  Jess 6.1 p4 and JessTab 1.3, when a run big rules like the rule
> >> below the Jess report an error:
> >>
> >> Jess reported an error in routine ValueVector.get
> >>     while executing rule LHS (MTELN)
> >>     while executing rule LHS (TECT).
> >>   Message: Bad index 123 in call to get() on this vector:
> >> (MAIN::object (is-a :JESS-DEFTEMPLATE) (is-a-name ":JESS-DEFTEMPLATE")
> >> (OBJECT <External-
> >> Address:edu.stanford.smi.protege.model.DefaultSimpleInstance>)
> >> (:NAME "Science_Instance_45") (:DIRECT-TYPE
> >> <External-Address:edu.stanford.smi.protege.model.DefaultCls>)
> >> (:DIRECT-INSTANCES ) ....
> >>
> >> RULE:
> >> (defrule e_201_links
> >>      (object (Page-Status ?l&RECOMMENDATION|REJECTED|CLASSIFIED|
> >>              (is-a Processing-Monitor))
> >>         ?s <- (object (is-a Suggestion-Recognizer) (What-to-Suggest
> >>            (Class-to-Suggest ?c) (Cases $?cs))
> >>   ?f <- (Result (Page-Status ?))
> >>  (not (Processed Links ?k))
> >>     (object (is-a Agent) (treats-Class ?ca) (name ?nsa))
> >>      ?g <- (object (is-a Case) (Concepts $?cb&:(> (length$ $?cb) 0))
> >> (Keywords $?k) (Absent-Concepts $?ac))
> >>     (test (and
> >>            (integerp (member$ (instance-address ?g) $?cs))
> >>      (or (eq ?c ?ca) (subclassp ?c ?ca))))
> >>   =>
> >>      (if (eq ?k LINK) then
> >>          (insert-link ?nsa (search-in-list (create$ (words-of-concepts
> >> $?cb) $?k)
> >>                      (slot-get [LINKS] Values) (slot-get [PAGE]
> >> Links)) ?f ?c 201)
> >>       else         (insert-link ?nsa (search-in-list (create$
> >> (words-of-concepts $?cb) $?k)
> >>             (slot-get [LINKS-TEXTS] Values) (slot-get [PAGE]  Links)) ?f
> >> ?c 201))
> >>     (assert (Processed Links ?k)))
> >>
> >>
> >> Help me please,
> >>        Eunice
> >>
> >>
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