Yes, it was a parentheses issue thanks!

On Sat, 31 Dec 2005 07:02:24 -0800 (PST), ejfried wrote
> I think erich.oliphant wrote:
> [Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
> > 
> > (defrule assert-a-temp
> >    =>
> >    (bind ?objRef (get-a-ref-to-java-class))
> >    (assert (temp (x "val") (y ?objRef))))
> > 
> > When I have (watch all) on, I see something like:
> > ==> f-2 (MAIN::temp (x "val") (y nil))
> > ==> f-3 (MAIN::y <Java-Object:java.Class)
> > 
> > When I do a match on the 'temp' fact in other rules and try to bind
> > to the 'y' slot value it's always nil.  Is what I'm trying doing
> > possible/legal ?
> I suspect that in simplifying your example for us, you fixed an
> error. A misplaced parenthesis is causing the assert statement to
> assert two facts, a "temp" fact and a "y" fact -- the "y" slot is
> outside the "temp" fact's parentheses, like this:
> (assert (temp (x "val")) (y ?objRef))
> You can clearly see two separate facts in the "watch" output.
> Perhaps interestingly, the JessDE editor would have issued a warning
> for this assert statment, letting you know that the ordered template
> "y" was not previously declared.
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Ernest Friedman-Hill  
> Advanced Software Research          Phone: (925) 294-2154
> Sandia National Labs                FAX:   (925) 294-2234
> PO Box 969, MS 9012                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Livermore, CA 94550
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