My name is Rogerio de Carvalho from Federal
Politechnic of Campos/Rio de Janeiro/Brazil,
 I recently
downloaded Jess. I intend to use it in my
PhD. thesis, if it`s suitable.
I need to know some things:

1)Is Jess capable of Fuzzy Inference?

2)Is there any tool in Java or C++ capable
of generating fuzzy rules from a 
 a database of attributes? Is there any
specific Jess feature to do it or a 
auxiliary tool which works with Jess?
Preferable in Java too?

Best Regards,

// Rogerio Atem de Carvalho
// Gerente de Tecnologia da Informacao
// Centro Federal de Educacao Tecnologica
//            de Campos
//           CEFET CAMPOS
// Home Page:
// Endereco: Rua Dr. Siqueira, 273
//           CEP 28.030-130
//           Campos dos Goytacazes/RJ
// Tel: 024-733-3255 Ramais 4234/4243
// Fax: 024-733-3079 

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