Hi David,

I needed to use 5.0b3 to reproduce the problem: both my current
working copy and Jess44 do the right thing (you didn't say what
version you were using.) Anyway, I believe this is a symptom of a bug
in 5.0b3 I've already fixed; here's the appropriate patch:

diff -r jess/Node.java d:/temp/Jess50b3/jess/Node.java
<    * Cannot use removeElement here. Some Nodes compare equal using equals(),
<    * but aren't the same physical node. We only want to remove the ones that
<    * are physically equal, not just conceptually.
>    * @param s 
<     for (int i=0; i<m_succ.size(); i++)
<       if (s == m_succ.elementAt(i))
<         {
<           m_succ.removeElementAt(i);
<           return;
<         }
>     m_succ.removeElement(s);

i.e., change the single line "m_succ.removeElement(s);" at line 75 of
Node.java to the for-loop shown above.

I think G. David Barnett wrote:
> Hello-
> I had some code that was working great just before it stopped working in a
> very unusual place.  It took me forever to realize that I unintentionally
> had two rules of the same name.  Fixing this fixed the 'unrelated'
> problem.  I found this odd but I was unable to determine what the
> significance was at that time due to the complexity of the application and
> time constraints.  Then it happened again.
> Normally, issuing a defrule with a duplicate name should simply replace
> the definition and the network adjusted appropriately.  This does indeed
> seem to happen for most cases.  I now have some simplified code that
> demonstrates when it doesn't, but I'm still not sure exactly what is going
> on.  Basically, part of the network seems to become disjoined when the
> replacement rule is added, which explains how my partially running
> application began stopping at an unusual point.
> View the differences in the following when the indicated defrule name is
> changed:
> (watch all)
> (defrule phase-change
>   (declare (salience -10))
>   ?phase-fact <- (phase ?x)
>   ?phase-list-fact <- (phase-list ?next $?remaining)
>   =>
>   (retract ?phase-fact ?phase-list-fact)
>   (assert (phase ?next))
>   (assert (phase-list $?remaining)))
> (defrule a
>   (phase a)
>   =>
>   (printout t "phase a" crlf))
> (defrule b
>   (phase b)
>   =>
>   (printout t "phase b" crlf))
> (defrule aa   ;;;;;; change 'aa' to 'a' to break it
>   (phase aa)
>   =>
>   (printout t "phase aa" crlf))
> (assert (phase a))
> (assert (phase-list b c d e))
> (run)
> ;;; END CODE
> It seems I had to use salience to get it to break.  Hope this is a simple
> bug for somebody else to fix . . . .
> -Dave Barnett
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