Hi Oliver,

Yes I did consider something like this, but I did not implement it because
it was not clear at the time (at least to me) exactly how it should work.
Some of the issues were: Configurable file name? If so how, do you
configure it? One startup file for the Protege session or different
startup files for each project loaded (or both)? Different startup files
for command-line and interactive (GUI) mode? Directory and naming

If someone could figure out a clean model for startup files, I'll probably
implement it in the future. (E-mail suggestions to me.)


On Thu, 9 Aug 2001, Oliver Hoffmann wrote:

> Henrik,
> Did you consider including a way for loadind a JESS batch file in JessTab 
> at startup? I have used a workaround by chaning the following line in 
> JessTab.java (after line 120):
> m_main.initialize(new String[] {"C:/MyJessDirectory/MyBatchFile.clp"}, m_rete);
> but some command line parameter would be the more elegant solution.
> :) Oliver
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