Well, Jess has its own LISP-like type system, following the one from
CLIPS. Jess has one type that Java doesn't (symbols) and doesn't make
many of the distinctions that Java does. For the most part this
doesn't matter; in a very high-level language, you're generally not
worrying about data types. Having the full range of Java data types in
a pattern-matching language would be a nightmare -- do two values not
match because they're not equal, or because one is an int and one is a

When Jess calls out to Java functions, though, it has to map the Java
types onto its own types and vice-versa, and that mapping has to be
predictable. In my code snippet below ( i.e., (call "foo" charAt 0) )
that -is- the java.lang.String.charAt() function, and it -does- return
a char. The question is, given Jess's available types (INTEGER, LONG,
FLOAT, ATOM, STRING, EXTERNAL_ADDRESS) how should Jess represent that
char? What I'm suggesting is that INTEGER is a better match than
STRING, and I'm wondering if anybody has any code that would break if
I made this change.

I think Bryan Talbot wrote:
> Why have it return an int instead of a char like the
> java.lang.String.charAt() method does?  Also, with a method name like
> "charAt", I would intuitively expect a char type to be returned.
> >
> >
> >Currently, Jess maps Java char values onto Jess Strings; i.e., 
> >the result of (call "foo" charAt 0) is "f". I'm starting to 
> >think that this is the wrong mapping -- a Jess integer would 
> >make more sense (i.e., 102.) Does anybody have an opinion, one 
> >way or the other?
> >

Ernest Friedman-Hill  
Distributed Systems Research        Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs                FAX:   (925) 294-2234
Org. 8920, MS 9012                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PO Box 969                  http://herzberg.ca.sandia.gov
Livermore, CA 94550

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