Hi Folks,

The latest release of Jess, the programmer's rule engine for the Java
platform, is available for download at the usual place:


There are a number of bug fixes in this release (6.1a3) but the most
exciting feature is full support for arbitrary nested conditional
elements, greatly increasing the expressive power of Jess's rule
language.  Another useful new feature is that when you construct a
Rete object, you can specify the ClassLoader that it should use to
load your classes -- very handy when embedding Jess in an app server
or other complex environment with multiple class loaders.

>From the change log:

        Fixed a bug in save-facts (thanks Scott Trackman). Fixed
        deadlock problem in retract/undefinstance (thanks Blaine
        Bell.)  Mihai Barbuceanu helped modernize the "bag"
        command. Various API enhancements. New Rete constructor with
        "app-object" argument. Massive refactoring of rule compiler to
        handle arbitrarily nested AND and NOT CEs in a new, simpler
        way; universal quantifiers are now handled correctly. Fixed a
        bug with the logical CE when adding new rules to a running
        system. Undefinstanced, nonserializable Beans now no longer
        prevent Rete serialization (thanks James Gallogly and Alan

There have been a few recent administrative changes in the Jess
universe: the Jess mailing list is now moderated and thus spam and
virus free, and the Jess web site has a new stylesheet to make it
easier on the eyes. As always, comments are welcome at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or to the mailing list at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Ernest Friedman-Hill  
Distributed Systems Research        Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs                FAX:   (925) 294-2234
Org. 8920, MS 9012                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PO Box 969                  http://herzberg.ca.sandia.gov
Livermore, CA 94550

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