I think Ina Sollinger wrote:
[Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
> 1. getting the data in java and storing them in rete ...
>  Vector x = CustomerA.getInfo("familyStatus");
>  rete.store("name_x", new Value ((String)x.elementAt(0), RU.Atom));
>  rete.store("value_x", new Value ((String)x.elementAt(1), RU.Atom));
>  rete.store("scope_x", new Value ((String)x.elementAt(2), RU.Atom));
>  Vector y = CustomerA.getInfo("sizeOfHousehold");
>  rete.store("name_y", new Value ((String)y.elementAt(0), RU.Atom));
> ...
> 2. fetching the values in Jess and put them to the knowledge base...
> (defmodule FAMILYSTATUS)
> (assert (information (name (fetch name_x)) (value (fetch value_x)) (scope
> (fetch scope_x))))
> (defmodule HOUSEHOLDSIZE)
> (assert (information (name (fetch name_y)) (value (fetch value_y)) (scope
> (fetch scope_y))))

Note that you could build and assert the facts directly from Java,
combining steps 1 and 2, in about half as many lines of code.

Fact f = new Fact("information", rete);
f.setSlotValue("name", new Value((String) x.elementAt(0), RU.ATOM));

> 3. rules are basically like:
> (defrule family1 (information (name ?A&:(eq ?A familyStatus)) (value
> ?B&:(=?B 1)) (scope ?C&:(<= ?C 0.5))) => (bind ?id (assert (family (low 20)
> (middle 10) (high 5))))
> 4. to get the values back i was going to use fact-slot-value for each slot
> and each "result vector" (i dont need the low/middle/high- but
> family-20-10-5):
> (bind ?fact-value (fact-slot-value ?id "low"))
> (store "fact-value" ?fact-value)
> 5. in java i fetch "fact-value" and use toString().
> - alternativly, iam going to try to realize the "dynamically storing
> results"-method which you suggested earlier in this forum

Indeed, if the ONLY purpose of the family facts is so that you can
then extract the data and pass it back to java, it would be more
sensible to simply pass it back directly.

> > If you're writing Java code anyway, they create a function
> > "sendValuesFromJess()" which Jess can call to drop off all three
> > values at once, and a function "getValuesFromJava" that Jess can call
> > to retrieve three values at once -- whatever is convenient.
> this sounds really convenient to me  - however, as i said before i had
> problems using the call-function earlier- and iam not confident in using
> java (unfortunatly). but i4ll give it a try and i can have a look again in
> the forum. i think you already explained some important aspect how call
> works..

This is the kind of thing we can easily work out together here.

Ernest Friedman-Hill  
Distributed Systems Research        Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs                FAX:   (925) 294-2234
Org. 8920, MS 9012                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PO Box 969                  http://herzberg.ca.sandia.gov
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