I think Alan Moore wrote:
[Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
> I received the following exception while calling Rete.listDefinstances():
> stackTrace: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
> at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextEntry(HashMap.java:750)
> at java.util.HashMap$KeyIterator.next(HashMap.java:786)
> at java.util.AbstractCollection.toArray(AbstractCollection.java:170)
> at java.util.ArrayList.<init>(ArrayList.java:132)
> at jess.DefinstanceList.listDefinstances(DefinstanceList.java:52)
> at jess.Rete.listDefinstances(Rete.java:499)
> There is a strong possibility that (definstance) was being called by a rule
> running on another thread at the time.
> This brings up a couple of questions:
> 1) Is this expected behavior?

This is a bug. As you can see Jess makes a copy of the internal
datastructure so that once the iterator is created, you won't see
errors like this, but the copy operation should be protected and it's
not. This isn't a safety issue for Jess's internals, but just an
inconvenience for you. A sensible patch would be to synchrionize

> 2) In general, does jess make any guarantees w.r.t. concurrent modifications
> for public API's that return collections/iterators?

No, actually, it doesn't. I'll revisit this issue and make sure that
this kind of problem can't occur.

> 3) Is there a difference between calling (definstance) or
> Rete.definstance(...)?


> 4) Does jess maintain a lock object (or some other mechanism) I can use to
> make sure my access to the API is safe?

Jess is written to maintain the integrity of its own data structures,
but the listXXX APIs weren't given the same consideration. In general
changes to Jess's state can invalidate the iterators these methods
return. I think it's probably prudent to trade efficiency for safety
here, and lock-and-copy before returning iterators.

Ernest Friedman-Hill  
Distributed Systems Research        Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs                FAX:   (925) 294-2234
PO Box 969, MS 9012                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Livermore, CA 94550         http://herzberg.ca.sandia.gov

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