
consider that if you are using Jess as a part of a complete Java application
(especially if you are writing a J2EE compliant application), a Jess plugin is
just something that is very usefull. You don't have to switch to another UI to
develop/debug/tune your code, as it's fully a part of the IDE your are using
(Eclipse or WSAD, make your choice).

my .02 


 > Hi Folks,
 > As you may know, Jess 7.0 (Charlemagne) is going to include a full
 > complement of developer's tools -- a debugger, a smart editor, a rule
 > database, an "explorer", etc. I've been working on some of the
 > technology that will go into these tools -- I have weak prototypes
 > already, actually. Error checking as you type, smart completion,
 > breakpoints, etc. It's pretty neat, actually, but really just a
 > prototype.
 > Originally, I had considered doing the Jess IDE as one or more Eclipse
 > plug-ins. I weighed the advantages (lots of good tools to leverage) vs
 > the disadvantages (big (60MB?) download for non-Eclipse users,
 > additional support responsibilities for me, again for non-Eclipse
 > users). I decided against it; although it would mean more work
 > up-front to make the tools stand alone, it would require less work in
 > the long run to support and maintain (or so my belief is.)
 > Given the recent Eclipse discussions, though, I am reconsidering. Let
 > me ask you all directly: Would you rather see a Jess IDE be a
 > standalone thing, or an Eclipse plug-in? I'm more interested in
 > hearing from people who think this is a BAD idea -- I already know
 > that current Eclipse users will think it's a good one!
 > ---------------------------------------------------------
 > Ernest Friedman-Hill  
 > Distributed Systems Research        Phone: (925) 294-2154
 > Sandia National Labs                FAX:   (925) 294-2234
 > PO Box 969, MS 9012                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > Livermore, CA 94550         http://herzberg.ca.sandia.gov
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