I think Michael Knapik wrote:
[Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
> Thanks folks,
> Two points (and I am trying to get things to work as specified in the
> manual/book before trying batch files etc.)
> I followed directions in both.
> 1) My CLASSPATH is ;.;C:\Jess\Jess61p6\jess.jar;C:\Jess\Jess61p6\   not just
> C:\Jess61p6...
> Yet I need to put in the Jess61p6 to run an example from the Jess prompt

Yes. As I've said already several times, the CLASSPATH has *nothing* to
do with finding scripts in the examples directory. Only the working
directory -- the current directory at the DOS prompt when you start
Jess -- matters. The path to a script that you give either to the
(batch) command *or* on the DOS command line must be a valid path
either relative to the current working directory or an absolute path.

Here's a rule of thumb: let's say you're sitting at the DOS prompt
(not the Jess prompt -- this is BEFORE you start Jess) and you type
DIR some\directory\foo.clp . One of two things will happen: you'll see
a directory listing of the file, or you'll see a "file not found"
message. If the path (here, "some\directory\foo.clp", an imaginary
example of course) works for DIR under DOS, then it will work for
Jess. If DIR doesn't like it, then neither will Jess.

Furthermore, if you use a -classpath switch on the Java command line,
then the CLASSPATH environment variable is ignored.

> 2)  I cannot get the
> (system java -classpath jess.jar jess.Main Jess61p6/examples/fullmab.clp)
> (the missing period was just a typo in the email not in the actual Jess
> command)
> or
> (system java -classpath jess.jar jess.Main examples/fullmab.clp)
> Jess commands to run from the Jess prompt.

First of all, as Alan Moore pointed out already, this isn't something
that you'd *ever* normally want to do. It was just to demonstrate
something which I thought would help clarify matters. It seems,
unfortunately, to have had just the opposite effect.

Anyway, by inspection, the first of these *cannot* work, because it assumes
that "jess.jar" is in the current directory, yet the "examples"
directory is underneath a Jess61p6 directory.

The second should work fine, *if* the current working directory is
C:\Jess\Jess61p4 or C:\Jess\Jess61p6. If the working directory is
anything else, then it will fail, for reasons which I dearly hope I've
made clear by now.

Ernest Friedman-Hill  
Science and Engineering PSEs        Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs                FAX:   (925) 294-2234
PO Box 969, MS 9012                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Livermore, CA 94550         http://herzberg.ca.sandia.gov

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