You can not mix java and jess.

Assuming that getstring() is a method which returns String in your java class, then proper code would be:

r.executeCommand("(assert (" + getstring() + "))");  


Dusan Sormaz

At 11:31 AM 5/27/2004 +0200, you wrote:

hi there,

first i want to thanks Ernest Friedman-Hill for helping me and everyone in the
mailing list. you are a great help.

ok here is my quastion:

i have an string  and i want to call it in the assert while executioncommand

r.executeCommand("(assert (i-have-moved))");  << this is what i have and i want

r.executeCommand("(assert (getstring()))");   
its simple quastion i hope. i readed the doc's but it didnt helped

i think its something with call  but im a newbie 
thanks alot

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* Dušan Šormaz, PhD, Associate Professor                     
* Ohio University
* Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Department
* 277 Stocker Center, Athens, OH 45701-2979
* phone: (740) 593-1545
* fax:   (740) 593-0778 
* url:

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