I think Brett Daniel wrote:

> (defrule isInList
>         ?response <-(Response (s1 ?x))
>         (not (test ((new SumObject "c:/dev/data/data.txt") InList ?x))
>         )
>      => (printout t "It does exist")
>         )

> Q. When is the [SumObject] created and the text file loaded? When the rule is
> built or when it fires?

The function in a "test" CE is called every time the "test" CE is
processed. A test CE is processed every time the preceding pattern is
matched -- in this case, every time a "Response" fact is asserted. So
this isn't especially efficient -- it's reading in your file once for
each Response fact!

> Q. Is there a way to instantiate SumObject outside the rule and reference it
> in the test statement?

Sure -- you could put it in a defglobal, or else make it accessible via a
Java function call. Using a defglobal, it looks like this:

(defglobal ?*sum* = (new SumObject "c:/dev/data/data.txt"))
(defrule isInList
    ?response <- (Response (s1 ?x))
    (test (not (?*sum* InList ?x)))
    (printout t "It does (not?) exist" crlf))

It's actually cheaper if you turn things inside out as I've shown,
with the "not" inside the "test".

Ernest Friedman-Hill  
Advanced Software Research          Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs                FAX:   (925) 294-2234
PO Box 969, MS 9012                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Livermore, CA 94550         http://herzberg.ca.sandia.gov

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