I think that Bertrand Gille wrote:
>> Thank you for the answer. (and congratulation for your gold star ;-)

Hi Bertrand,
You're welcome!  Glad that I could help.

>> I already used this kind of command in the past without any problem...
>> so i wonder why it doesn't want to work now...?

All I can say is that
http://herzberg.ca.sandia.gov/jess/docs/61/language.html#atoms clearly says
what are and what are not allowed as characters in a Jess atom (symbol).

This is what I sometimes refer to as "By The Grace Of God" programming,
meaning that what you're doing is technically or syntactically incorrect,
and but for the Grace of God causing just the right circumstances to allow
your code to compile and produce a result, it would crash to the ground in a
pile of bytes.  :-D

I've pinged Ernest on it to confirm my suspicions.

BTW - I'm assuming that the : exists in your deftemplate definition?  I
couldn't see it in the Protege screen shot.
Also, I wasn't clear if you meant that you'd found the solution to be a
capitalization error in the slot symbol in your rule.  Was that the case?



Jason Morris
Morris Technical Solutions
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