Hi all,
I'm a relative newbie to Jess since,I've worked previously with CLIPS for a
year, but using plain deftemplates (no nested objects).
I'm actually evaluating using Jess but I'm a bit disoriented about how to
write patterns that match
complex nested objects/facts (with Lists and Maps) as those my KB would
I've read the Manual, studied the examples and also read many archived
threads of this mailing list concerning this issues (Detecting changes in
nested Objects, Working with collections, RDF...), which have been quite
instructive, but are beyond my actual point

I've tried the simplified example that follows and it works but I wonder if
is there better ways to achieve it (mapping objects to a plain templates,
RDF...), as long as the nesting level increase the rules get uglier...


Rodolfo Martin

(deftemplate Address
(slot street    (type STRING))
(slot number    (type INTEGER))

(deftemplate Complex
(slot name    (type STRING))
(slot address)

(defrule matchFredsfromRedStreet
(Complex (name ?n&"Fred")(address ?a&:(eq (fact-slot-value ?a street)
(printout t "Fred lives at number " (fact-slot-value ?a number) crlf)

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